Moving Target Defense
NexiTech leads the engineering and application of moving target defense in data storage cyber security.
Innovative Software Development
White Paper On Moving Target Defense
Accelerating The Adoption
Data Storage Device Programming
Providing API translators between legacy interfaces and SPTI is a core competency of NexiTech. This programming smoothly solves issues in the marketplace around security for clients.
Helping With Security Interfacing
Understanding The Security Gap
Keeping Your Company Running
Data Storage Virtualization Software
NexiTech has perfected the technique for virtualizing data storage devices to accelerate back up abilities and data restoration in the event your data is corrupted or breached.
Providing Software-Designed Storage
Solving Programming Issues
Working With The United States Air Force
Embedded Systems Firmware Development
NexiTech is able to provide firmware for embedded systems to keep your device storage secure.
Proven Software Development
Keeping Devices Operating
Protecting Data Storage
Windows And Linux Application Development
If you are in need of application development for testing and environmental functionality, NexiTech is the right choice.
Developing On Multiple Platforms
Environmental Understanding
Safety Is Our Focus
Windows And Linux Device Driver Development
Sometimes your development needs are more customized. NexiTech can provide you with a secure and robust software solution.